Guides & Tutorials
Building a RESTful API in go
This is a continuation of a series on building out a microservice in Golang. It builds on the seltzer project created in part 1 of this series. In part one, we laid in the code structure for commands, configuration and logging. For this article we are going to add a simple REST API that uses JWT tokens for authentication.
Want to see what it looks like at the end? checkout
I will be using the echo project for the web server and then adding some simple tests to validate my assumptions. I will be adding 3 endpoints:
/info - gives some information about the service
/login - issues a JWT token with the claims
/echo - validates the JWT token and dumps it back
We will be JSON for our exchange format. We will also add in a Dockerfile and Makefile that will make this easy to deploy.
Adding in Echo
We use glide for dependency management so the first step is to add echo with glide.
glide get
I choose to lock the version very tightly, so no ranges. We are using version 2.1.
Next, we are going to start building the api
package. Naturally, the main class will called API
and contain all the pertinent information the API might need later.
type API struct {
log *logrus.Entry
config *conf.Config
echo *echo.Echo
We will also be adding a NewAPI
, Stop()
, and Start()
methods. They do what you'd think they do. Start and stop are pass through methods to the internal echo
instance which manages the http listener on our behalf.
Setting up the API plumbing
We will be adding in endpoints, starting with a simple info endpoint. During this process we will solve problems around (1) traceability via logging and (2) error handling. After that we can easily add new endpoints.
func NewAPI(log *logrus.Entry, config *conf.Config) *API {
// create the api
api := &API{
config: config,
log: log.WithField("component", "api"),
// add the endpoints
e := echo.New()
e.Get("/info", api.Info)
api.echo = e
return api
We added an Info
method to the API to have it respond to the request properly. This method's job is to simply return a JSON map with a little meta information. We will be adding in the version information a little later.
func (api *API) Info(ctx echo.Context) error {
return ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]string{
"description": "a boiler plate project",
"name": "seltzer",
Echo uses a small wrapper around golang's context. It mostly allows for returning error codes as appropriate. We will be adding a middleware that will populate the context a little later. We use the ctx.JSON()
to return information because that will serialize the object and set the appropriate headers which will stop us from having to write that same simple method.
Configuring request logging
Here is where we'll want to have a simple 'starting' and 'finished' statements for each request. We will do this via a custom middleware that generate a UUID for each request. This way we can easily grep the logs later. To do this we will write a custom middleware that will generate a UUID, set it on the logger and then add that to the context.
func (api *API) setupRequest(f echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
// return a HandlerFunc
return func(ctx echo.Context) error {
req := ctx.Request()
// add some default fields to the logger ~ on all messages
logger := api.log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"method": req.Method(),
"path": req.URL().Path(),
"request_id": uuid.NewRandom().String(),
ctx.Set(loggerKey, logger)
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
rsp := ctx.Response()
// at the end we will want to log a few more interesting fields
"status_code": rsp.Status(),
"runtime_nano": time.Since(startTime).Nanoseconds(),
}).Info("Finished request")
// now we will log out that we have actually started the request
"user_agent": req.UserAgent(),
"content_length": req.ContentLength(),
}).Info("Starting request")
err := f(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
In this method we will write a start message and defer a stop message after the function is called. We also pull the request and response directly from the context ~ assuring they're already set. Also, we put a logger into the context so that we can access it in the subsequent requests.
We are using logrus's logger over labstack's because of the hook capabilities and the WithFields
semantics. We want to have access to these logs later, shipping them off the server directly. More on this in future pieces, or checkout the the elastinats project!
We also want to have the echo generated logs, in order to couple the two logger implementations we have to add a simple wrapper struct. The only significant difference is that labstack's logger has methods like Printj(log.JSON)
. These are convenience methods to log map[string]interface{}
The wrapper simply re-routes those methods through the corresponding method as such:
func (w wrapper) Printj(json log.JSON) {
w.Printf("%v", json)
and then in the NewAPI
call we add the code below to install logrus into echo.
After writing the middleware we need to install it on a path. We are going to install it at the root so every request has access to the logger. In NewAPI
we add:
Custom Error Handler
We don't want to break from the JSON format in the API, so we will add a custom error handler that will wrap the errors in a simple error structure.
type HTTPError struct {
Code int
Message string
For simplicity, I will just use the HTTPError
in echo. The job of my custom handler will be to take all errors and push them to this structure. If it is a known http error we will use the code, otherwise we will mark it with an internal server error and give it a generic error message. This is to stop leaking any internal information.
func (api *API) handleError(err error, ctx echo.Context) {
httpErr, ok := err.(*echo.HTTPError)
if ok {
ctx.JSON(httpErr.Code, httpErr)
} else {
getLogger(ctx).WithError(err).Warn("Unexpected non http error")
ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, &echo.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Message: "Internal server error",
If an endpoint wants to send an internal server error with a better method they can just return an error. Typically, those will be something using the convenience methods in the echo package:
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Must provide both email and password")
Testing the server
Now that we have a simple single endpoint let's write the test framework that will let us, well, test our server. The strategy will be to use a TestMain
to start a running instance of the server and then other tests can reliably access that server. This will let us test that we have the URLs configured properly, middleware in the right places, and parse the responses correctly. This means that we will have a convenient helper method request
func request(t *testing.T, method, path string, body interface{}) (int, string) {
req := test.NewRequest(method, path, nil)
if body != nil {
bs, err := json.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
assert.FailNow(t, "failed to serialize request body: "+err.Error())
req = test.NewRequest(method, path, bytes.NewBuffer(bs))
req.Header().Set(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationJSON)
rsp := test.NewResponseRecorder()
api.echo.ServeHTTP(req, rsp)
return rsp.Status(), rsp.Body.String()
This will help us to simply query the endpoints via echo. It enables writing our first test for the info endpoint.
func TestInfoEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
code, body := request(t, "GET", "/info", nil)
if assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, code) {
raw := extractRawPayload(t, body) // pulls the body into a map[string]interface{}
assert.NotEmpty(t, raw["version"])
assert.NotEmpty(t, raw["description"])
assert.NotEmpty(t, raw["name"])
Now that this works, we can reliably move onto adding more endpoints and middleware knowing we have a sane starting point. If you look in the api_test.go
you'll see there are a few other sanity check tests added (e.g. TestMissingEndpoint
The downside is that it introduces shared state amongst tests. In this simple project that isn't an issue, but it is something you'll want to consider as you add complexity. It is possible to start and shutdown the server each time, but I find that tedious and slow.
If you're going to use a DB connection with the API, it is best to setup and teardown state with each test. That way you contain your expectations (e.g. this user exists) within the same scope of the test. This can be a pain, but it is just about building up a good collection of helper methods. If you're curious what this looks like in production checkout the netlify-subscriptions test suite.
Interacting with the JWT token
We are going to write two endpoints, one to create a JWT token and the other to just print that token. The second one will require the token to be present. Usually the endpoint to issue the token (e.g. /login) will do a lookup to validate the user/password. That is left as an exercise for the user. JWT tokens operate on a json body that you can configure. In our case we will use dgrijalva's library and extend the standard claims.
type JWTClaims struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Groups []string `json:"groups"`
func (c JWTClaims) Valid() error {
if err := c.StandardClaims.Valid(); err != nil {
return err
if c.UserID == "" {
return errors.New("Must provide a user ID")
return nil
Then we need to add the secret key to the configuration.
// in conf/config.go
type Config struct {
JWTSecret string `json:"jwt_secret"`
// ...
Using the JWT middleware
Echo has a simple to use JWT middleware. We are going to configure this with our private key, to put it in a known location in the context, and then to create our JWTClaims
requireClaims := middleware.JWTWithConfig(middleware.JWTConfig{
SigningMethod: jwt.SigningMethodHS256.Name,
ContextKey: tokenKey,
Claims: &JWTClaims{},
SigningKey: []byte(config.JWTSecret),
We will then create the two endpoints for interacting with the JWT token.
// in NewAPI
e.Post("/login", api.generateToken)
e.Get("/echo", api.dumpToken, requireClaims)
Next, let's look into implementing those two methods generateToken
and dumpToken
. Both of them use the same signature as the Info
method: func(ctx echo.Context) error
Generating a new JWT token
To generate a token we will need access to the private key, this lives in the config on the API. We will require a JSON payload of the user email and some password. This endpoint is meant only to be used as an example. It will issue arbitrary tokens for your system.
type TokenRequest struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Pass string `json:"pass"`
First we will use the Bind
method from echo to try and parse out the payload. It will check the Content-Type header and then the tags from the struct. We only support JSON. The steps for creating a token are pretty straight forward. We also tossed some good debug logging in there too.
func (api *API) generateToken(ctx echo.Context) error {
payload := new(TokenRequest)
if err := ctx.Bind(payload); err != nil {
return err
log := getLogger(ctx)
// validate the payload
if payload.Email == "" || payload.Pass == "" {
"missing_password": payload.Pass == "",
"missing_email": payload.Email == "",
}).Info("Missing parameters in request")
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Must provide both email and password")
log.Debug("Starting to issue a new token for a valid request")
// we have a good payload ~ generate a token
claims := &JWTClaims{
UserID: uuid.NewRandom().String(),
Email: payload.Email,
// create a token with our secret key
signed, err := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims).SignedString([]byte(api.config.JWTSecret))
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to create a token")
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Failed to create a token")
log.Debug("Created a token successfully")
return ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, &TokenResponse{Key: signed})
Now when you hit this endpoint you'll get back a valid token.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"email": "", "pass": "this-is-a-secret"}' \
Again, that endpoint is a reference implementation. Please, please**,** please, don't put that in production.
Checkout this little cli tool I tossed together for generating tokens for testing.
Using the token
Now that we have a way to generate a tokens, it is time to see if we can parse them well. We installed the requireClaims
middleware on the /echo
endpoint. So it should be as simple as just curling with that token in the Authorization
The method to read and dump the claims is simple, but where your logic will actually end up living.
func (api *API) dumpToken(ctx echo.Context) error {
log := getLogger(ctx)
token := getToken(ctx)
claims := token.Claims.(*JWTClaims)
// dump some fields
"valid_token": token.Valid,
"id": claims.Id,
"user_id": claims.UserID,
"user_email": claims.Email,
"user_groups": claims.Groups,
"expires_at": claims.ExpiresAt,
"expires_at_human": time.Unix(claims.ExpiresAt, 0).String(),
}).Info("JWT Token")
log.Debug("Finished dumping token successfully")
return nil
Then to test it you can use the token generated above.
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" localhost:9000/echo
If you look at the log you can see a corresponding message. This is a totally contrived example, but shows how you'd get access to the token. Once you have the claims you can add more methods to them to check for group membership, valid emails, etc.
To TLS or not to TLS
You'll notice that this doesn't work over HTTPS. This is intentional for the moment. It makes it life way easier in development. For instance, using a middleware that will auto provision certs through Let's Encrypt is simple enough, but it can't use your local domain for certs. It won't work if you're building offline. The complexity of certs is something that I am choosing to use a proxy like nginx or caddy for while in production. There are definite trade-offs on performance, but they are fine for a simple API.
This should be enough to get a simple RESTful API off the ground. In the next two parts I will build on this project to add a messaging bus ( and websockets. Check out part 1 for more information about setting up configuration!
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