Finally, an edge runtime that works out-of-the-box with Next.js, Remix, Nuxt, and more. Check it out!

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Featured site: Proxx. A site by Google Chrome Labs

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Featured site: Proxx. A site by Google Chrome Labs

For Google I/O 2019, the Google Chrome Labs team designed and built a game using web technologies. The game, Proxx is heavily inspired by Minesweeper, the old classic many of us will remember from Windows back in the (choose a decade and show your age).

Proxx is an exploration (by the same team at Google who built, also hosted by Netlify) into building interactive, dynamic, and performant applications with web technologies. It is a super example of optimizing for performance without sacrificing capabilities, and has wonderfully broad compatibility.

Screenshot of gameplay

Proxx makes use of technologies like Preact and Rollup for components and bundling, WebWorkers for thread management, and WebGL and Canvas for rendering.

Google have made the source code open source, and available as an excellent learning resource.

Screenshot of home page

The app is being featured and discussed as part of a session called Build Fast and Smooth Web Apps from Feature Phone to Desktop at Google I/O.


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