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O’Reilly publishes Modern Web Development on the JAMstack

News & Announcements

O’Reilly publishes Modern Web Development on the JAMstack

Netlify was founded to provide modern web development tooling. Its founders, Matt Biilmann and Chris Bach, have been convinced of the virtues of the architectural approach now known as JAMstack for long enough, and with enough conviction, to create a company which specializes in services for JAMstack sites. And in extending and expanding the possibilities of the JAMstack model.

I too have been a passionate advocate of the approach since before it had a convenient name. Speaking about it with clients and at conferences for many years until Matt Biilmann coined the term JAMstack, which encapsulated so much of my own thinking, and made communicating about it much simpler.

This history and commitment to sharing what we’ve learned about the JAMstack approach brought us to O’Reilly who, we are very proud to announce, will publish Modern Web Development on the JAMstack today.

Book cover: Modern Web Development on the JAMstack

Written by Matt Biilmann and myself (Phil Hawksworth) with considerable help from the Netlify team, in particular Todd Morey and Chris Bach, this O’Reilly report covers many aspects of the JAMstack architectural approach.

We’ve included information about:

  • What constitutes a JAMstack site
  • The benefits and opportunities of using JAMstack
  • The tools and services which are expanding the JAMstack ecosystem
  • How JAMstack differs from other, more traditional stacks
  • Case studies and the result of real world applications of JAMstack

Happily, starting today, we are able to offer Modern Web Development on the JAMstack for free as either a digital download, or a physical book.

Register now to get your copy!

If you have more questions about JAMstack, or comments about the book, please let us know over in the Netlify Community. We’d be fascinated to hear your feedback.

This post has been featured on Netlify Milestones on the road to 1 Million Devs:

Netlify 1 Million Devs article feature

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