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Seven JAMstack Podcasts We Love
In honor of International Podcast Day, we thought we'd share a few JAMstack Podcasts we love!
P.S. Wondering what JAMstack is? Check out and read Modern Web Development on the JAMstack!
JAMstack Radio (link)
This Heavybit podcast is hosted by Brian Douglas of GitHub (and formerly of Netlify) and is the longest running podcast dedicated to the JAMstack!
Episodes to check out:
- The JAMstack Origin Story with Netlify Co-Founder Matt Biilmann
- The Serverless Framework & AWS Lambda with Serverless Expert David Wells
- GraphQL Querying with Hasura CEO Tanmai Gopal
- Working in the Open with Jason Lengstorf of Gatsby
HTTP 203 (link)
Jake and Surma recently gave an incredible talk at JAMstackConf taking a standard JS app and adding running the gamut of web performance best practices, from adding static render, to massively improving the time to first render, and time to interactive. Their chemistry was no surprise to fans of their podcast (it's also on YouTube!), which hilariously references an obscure status code for Non-Authoritative Information!
Episodes to check out:
- Stress, Canvas and JAM
- How we got into web development
- Discussing the JAM stack
- JavaScript for-loops are... complicated (link)
In the words of Wes Bos, "don't listen to them"? Just kidding, we are big fans of Wes "Barracuda" Bos and Scott "El Toro Loco" Tolinski, who have taught hundreds of thousands of developers to code and share the same passion we have for helping JavaScript developers learn and deploy JAMstack sites and apps! To quote Scott: "Stop faffing about trying to decide where to host your site and host with the easiest platform on the planet, Netlify !" We couldn't agree more.
Episodes to check out:
- Hasty Treat – What is a Headless CMS?
- Hosting & Servers — Heroku, Now, Galaxy, Digital Ocean, Linode, Docker, Netlify and more!
- Why Static Site Generators are Awesome
- Live at JAMstack_conf 2018!
Fullstack Radio (link)
A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Adam Wathan is a developer-designer-indiehacker extraordinaire, who apart from being a big deal in the Laravel Community, teaching thousands of developers how to improve their UI design, and creating the leading utility-first CSS framework, TailwindCSS, also cares a great deal about web performance and alternative full stack architectures!
Episodes to check out:
- Mitchell Hamilton – Writing CSS-in-JS with Emotion
- Steve Schoger – Design Q&A + Refactoring UI Details
- Leslie Cohn-Wein & Rafael Conde – Designing the User Interface at Netlify
- Matt Biilmann – Architecting the Netlify Dashboard with React and Redux
Ladybug Podcast (link)
An all lady-hosted tech podcast for all developers by Emma Wedekind, Ali Spittel, & Kelly Vaughn about code & career, and of course the site itself is hosted on Netlify!
Episodes to Check Out:
That's My JAM...stack (link)
That's My JAM...stack is a podcast "examining the best of the JAMstack community" by Bryan Robinson. It's a newer podcast but already accumulated a great deal of notable guests!
- Phil Hawksworth on "static first," the future of the JAMstack and much more
- Laurie Barth on Gatsby, Lambda Functions, experimenting and more
- Raymond Camden on the history of Static, hosting, side projects and more!
ShopTalk Show (link)
Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert's long running show on all things web development of course covers the JAMstack, on which Chris recently gave an incredible talk on how "front-end" developers are increasingly becoming "full-stack"! Chris, anything else you'd like to say...?
Episodes to Check Out: