Finally, an edge runtime that works out-of-the-box with Next.js, Remix, Nuxt, and more. Check it out!

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Matter Supply and Nike deliver “Dream Supply” using Netlify

When Nike asks you to scale with speed,
you just do it.

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Learn how Matter Supply built the site, from the frontend to real-time databases, using Jamstack and Netlify.

190,000 submissions

Over 190K Nike users submitted their stories of their dreams to Matter Supply’s Netlify-powered site.

200k hits per day

Matter Supply easily supported hundreds of thousands of hits a day with Netlify’s serverless backend and hyperresponsive frontend.

0.9s contentful paint

When you think of Nike, you think of speed. Matter Supply knew they had to build fast pages. They picked Netlify to do just that.

Marc Ammann

With Jamstack, this was all easy. It all performed well. There’s no issues, no hiccups, and zero maintenance.

Marc Ammann, Principal, Matter Supply Co.