With performance being one important driver for our use of Jamstack on client projects, Build Plugins has made it easy for my team to tune our build workflows to specific technologies we’re using on a project.
More efficient developer workflow
Prisma provider
Replace the database provider in Prisma’s schema.prisma at build time. By cannikin
Developers love how simple and powerful Netlify is for Continuous Delivery (CD) and hosting. Plugins make that workflow even more powerful. We created a Plugin that runs an end-to-end Cypress test at every build.
Easy install from the Netlify UI
Build Plugins are an easy way to expand what your builds are capable of.
Click to install the plugin you need
Select the sites where you want the plugin enabled
The plugin will now run with every deploy!
Can’t find what you need? Build your own
Everyone’s build environment is different. If you need a Build Plugin that’s not in the directory, you can create it yourself, then share with the community!